Hello there, Welcome to my site.
I am extremely grateful for these essential oils that I have been using for five years now. One of my friends recommended these oils when I became very ill with Bronchitis which then led to Asthma. I was also having a hard time sleeping and had digestive issues.
I started using DigestZine for my stomach issues which helped relieve a lot of my symptoms like bloating and nausea. I also used Breathe Essential oil and Breathe respiratory drops when I was having a hard time breathing and coughing at night. I also used Lavender to relax and help with sleep.
When I got sick with Bronchitis, I found myself becoming allergic to so many things and one of them being was the cleaning products I had been using for years that had Clorox and bleach. I could not use them anymore. So, I ordered some onGUARD cleaner concentrate to make my organic cleaning products and added Lavender oil or Lemon to give it a nice smelling aroma.
In these difficult times we find ourselves in with this COVID-19, these products are heaven-sent, especially since I have not been able to find antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer, so now I am making my own using these products.
I am very grateful that I became an Independent Wellness Advocate and enjoying the wholesale prices and rewards.
Enjoy searching through the oils and reading all the key benefits and uses.
Blessings Isabel