God created you to be a Beautiful Bride and Jesus the Bridegroom is coming for a spotless bride. Some of you don't know the bridegroom and He is inviting you to come to know Him as the beautiful bridegroom and wants you to be ready for His coming.
He is asking if we are ready? Some of us have been spiritually asleep, but its time to wake up and rise up as the Beautiful Bride that we are. The Lion of Judah is roaring, the mountains are trembling. Do you hear the Lion of Judah? Do you hear the angels blowing their trumpets. Do you hear see Him knocking at the door of your heart. It's Time my Beloved, It's Time.
Rise up my Beloved, I am coming soon, Get ready my Beloved.
Isabel Perez-McCoy
He is asking if we are ready? Some of us have been spiritually asleep, but its time to wake up and rise up as the Beautiful Bride that we are. The Lion of Judah is roaring, the mountains are trembling. Do you hear the Lion of Judah? Do you hear the angels blowing their trumpets. Do you hear see Him knocking at the door of your heart. It's Time my Beloved, It's Time.
Rise up my Beloved, I am coming soon, Get ready my Beloved.
Isabel Perez-McCoy