Good Morning Beauties, Its Wednesday and twelve more days till Christmas Eve. Where did the time go? We can get so lost in the busyness of life and getting ready for the holidays that we miss the true meaning of Christmas and we don't get to enjoy those around us and just enjoy the beauty of the holiday, like the decorations, music, the lights, being a blessing to others, and just the simple things that I truly enjoy. We get so busy, stressed out or depressed and we forget that all we need is Jesus and to just breathe and trust Him that everything is going to be okay.
My prayers this morning, God remind us to sit and breathe. That as long as we have you in our life everything is going to be ok, circumstances may not change, but when we have you we have everything we need. Bless my friends and family this season with your love, peace and joy. The joy of the lord is our strength!!
Isabel Perez Mccoy